grappolo d'uva bianco e nero

The story behind our vineyards

“Our company was born in the heart of Valdobbiadene, a UNESCO heritage site.
We are two twin brothers with a passion that unites us: the art of growing grapes.
This is reflected in our logo, synonymous of collaboration and homage to the family.
We look forward to seeing you! “

Andrea and Giovanni

Gemei Zucchetto in vigna con spumante Amia
diploma prima mostra mercato vini Valdobbiadene
diploma merito Geronazzo Giuseppe

The origins

Our history of viticulture is lost in time.
The first testimonies are due to the prizes won by our great-great-grandfather Giuseppe Geronazzo.

cantina gemei bisnonna
botti in bianco e nero cantina Gemei
cantina gemei bisnonno

Since then our family has remained very attached to the world of viticulture until today. By handing over those ancient vineyards that still give us their fruit today.

Our vineyards

Ours are ancient vineyards located in daring and inaccessible areas surrounded by the sun and a mild climate.
The processing is exclusively manual, which also allows a better and more accurate selection of the bunch.

grappolo d'uva bianca Gemei

The winemaking process

The harvest

The starting grapes must be in good health and acidity in order to make the final product rich in fragrant notes; the most suitable climate to obtain these characteristics is the temperate-cold one, typical of the autumn period.

grappolo d'uva bianco e nero


After that, a soft pressing of the grapes is carried out to preserve their quality, thus obtaining the must which is placed in containers, where all suspended impurities are eliminated.


After about 6 months from the harvest of the grapes, the period in which the transformation into the final product takes place, it is possible to proceed with the bottling, which is done purely in the months of March and April due to the optimal climatic conditions.

bottiglia di vino, calice in bianco e nero
grappolo d'uva bianco e nero

The harvest

The starting grapes must be in good health and acidity in order to make the final product rich in fragrant notes; the most suitable climate to obtain these characteristics is the temperate-cold one, typical of the autumn period.


After that, a soft pressing of the grapes is carried out to preserve their quality, thus obtaining the must which is placed in containers, where all suspended impurities are eliminated.

bottiglia di vino, calice in bianco e nero


After about 6 months from the harvest of the grapes, the period in which the transformation into the final product takes place, it is possible to proceed with the bottling, which is done purely in the months of March and April due to the optimal climatic conditions.

Bottiglia Àmia José Cuvée

Our wine - Àmia

Extra Dry Sparkling Wine Àmia

The name “ÀMIA” means aunt in the local dialect. This elderly aunt of ours named Maria Josè was for us a guide in the vineyard capable with her experience of handing down those minute exclusive knowledge of the peasant world of the past.

We have decided to dedicate this cuvée to her, produced with her beloved old vines.

Unique emotion

We are aware that only effort and true peasant values ​​can help our territory and our product to be an excellence in the world

May our Àmia give you those emotions that our vineyards give us every day.

panorama Valdobbiadene cantina Gemei con calice vino

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